30 May 2013

Party Paperminties


Paperminties is proud to announce its newest product offering  to help you with your party needs - “party paperminties!”

Party paperminties are cut-paper party decorations which include:

  1. Large Wall and/or entryway Décor
  2. Birthday Poster/Banner with the celebrant’s name
  3. Table Centerpiece Sticks
  4. Table Confetti 
Large Wall Decor

Large Wall Decor

Large Wall Decor

Birthday Poster/Banner

Large Wall Decor with Birthday Banner

Table Centerpiece Sticks

Table Centerpiece Sticks
Table confetti

Paperminties’ first party is Miguel’s fifth “Snakes” themed birthday! 

Miguel only wanted orange, yellow and green snakes as party décor!  So glad he was pleased with the results!

Here are some photos of his fun, slithery “Snakes” party.


Big, big thanks for asking paperminties to do your cut-paper party decor, Miguel!

With four more parties underway, paperminties is really excited to feature more party paperminties in upcoming posts!  Do watch out for them in the next few weeks!

If you need us to customize your next party with cut-paper party decor, just let us know by sending us a private message through our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/paperminties. ; )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

invite paperminties for a creative party paperminties party!